I’ve added books to my series.  Can I have marketing images to show multiple books?

I’ve added books to my series. Can I have marketing images to show multiple books?

Of course, yes.  Because of the nature of the 3D software, it’s not possible to copy and paste between environments so we have to therefore create an entirely new scene with virtual camera, virtual lighting, and 3D wireframe objects for each of the books you’d like to feature.  We therefore charge £25 per book to set this scene up (two books would be £50, three would be £75, and so forth) but there would be no further setup fees for the scene. The setup includes one set of images (a transparent background scene plus three various backgrounds) by default.  If you require multiple scenes using these newly created wireframe books, there would be a single fee of £25 per display.  For example:

  1. Initial setup of three books, angled with spine showing (as an example) would be £75 (£25 per book for three books) and this would provide you with
    • 1 x transparent image of the scene
    • 3 x images of the scene with various backgrounds
    • TOTAL COST: £75 GBP
  2. If you then wanted to have the same three books but with covers all facing forward, the most recent in the centre and closer to the camera, this would be an additional £25 to move the books, camera, and lighting around and you’d receive
    • 1 x transparent image of the scene
    • 3 x images of the scene with various backgrounds
  3. If you then wanted to have the same three books lying flat, leaning on one another, this would be an additional £25 as above, and you’d receive
    • 1 x transparent image of the scene
    • 3 x images of the scene with various backgrounds

The total amount invoiced would be £125, broken down as £75 setup with initial set of images, £25 to change the scene and the next set of spine-out images, and £25 to change the scene again with images of the books lying flat.